Learn from yesterday, seek today and aim for tomorrow
“There are high expectations for all pupils. Pupils’ attendance is high. Pupils’ conduct in and around school is exemplary.”
“Parents and carers are committed to the school. They are overwhelmingly positive about the impact the school has on their children.” “Pupils thrive in a carefully developed, nurturing environment.” “Pupils have an appetite for learning.”
“All decisions at Cayton are taken with the pupils’ best interests at their centre.” Ofsted November 2024
IMPORTANT: Please note that we are a nut-aware school. Nuts should not be brought into the building due to allergies.

Our well-being dog

There are many benefits to having a well-being dog in a school setting, the main one being the health and well- being of both Pupils and Staff alike. A dog has an immediate calming effect by just being near. As one of our Year 1 children said, “Just seeing Denzel makes me smile and makes my day better straight away!” Denzel is a typical Labradoodle, calm, affectionate and very gentle natured. He is a much loved staff member now and a integral part of the Cayton School family.
The role of well-being dogs is to react and respond to people and their environment, under the guidance and direction of their handler. For example, an individual might be encouraged to gently pat or talk to a dog to teach sensitive touch and help them be calm.
Having a dog in school has the potential to help young children to develop in a range of academic, personal and social areas.