Learn from yesterday, seek today and aim for tomorrow
IMPORTANT: Please note that we are a nut-aware school. Nuts should not be brought into the building due to allergies.
Welcome to the Year 3 Class page.
Mr Vasey and the other Year 3 staff, Mrs Gavin and Mrs Wilson, are excited to welcome you to our new class page. On here you will be able to look at our Long Term and Medium Term Curriculum Plans so you can fully understand what your children will be learning whilst in our class. You can find the links to access these below.
Throughout the year, we have been learning about many different and interesting topics that wrap around our English and Maths subjects. You can find information on these in our Medium Term Curriculum Plans also.
PE days are:
Tuesday with Nigel Carson (sports/games specific skills)
Thursday with Mr Vasey (core fundamental skills)
Look out for our new extra-curricular clubs this spring....more information will be out soon.
What are we learning about?
Year overview
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Class Novel
Tashi lives in a tiny village below the tea plantations where her mother earns a living. One day her mother falls ill, and Tashi must pick tea to earn the money for a doctor. But she is too small to reach the tender shoots and the cruel Overseer sends her away empty-handed. Tashi needs a miracle. Then, on the mountains high above the plantation where only monkeys live, something extraordinary happens that will change her life for ever.